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Wijmo 1.0 has Landed

Wijmo Version 1.0.0 landed in the wee hours of the morning. The team hunkered down for the night inside Wijmo HQ while blizzard-like conditions brewed outside. Nothing was going to stop Wijmo from launching, not snow, nor ice, nor temps below zero. Get Wijmo 1.0.0: [download id="7" format="1"] Check out Wijmo 1.0.0: Explore Wijmo demos Now that Wijmo 1.0 is here, we have a genuine, certified, bona-fide, and downright useful product. Wijmo Complete is now available to use commercially and can be purchased online. Wijmo Complete also comes with premium support via our new support forum. Wijmo Complete has been released under the Wijmo Commercial License. Wijmo 1.0 also marks a significant milestone for Wijmo Open. It is now out of Beta and ready for production. Wijmo Open has been officially released as open source under MIT or GPL licenses.

Wijmo Props

Wijmo 1.0.0 was a lot of work and would not have been possible without the help of everyone involved.

  • John Ayers - for leading development
  • Jon "Jebro" Coulter - for the UI/UX of every single widget
  • David May - for making the coolest brand in the world
  • Erin Reeder, Kara Johnson, Sheela Nath & Kristy Joos - for totally awesome docs
  • Rey Bango - for the best advice Wijmo ever got (the idea for Wijmo Open)
  • Richard Worth - for giving us an awesome opportunity at the jQuery Conference
  • Dain Kennison & MediaTemple - for killer hosting and CDN
  • Everyone in the Beta - for helping us make Wijmo better
  • jQuery & jQuery UI - for giving us a framework to build on

The lists goes on and on. We can't express enough how grateful we are for everyone who got involved. So if you were involved in Wijmo in any way, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Now go use these awesome widgets!

Chris Bannon - Global Product Manager

Chris Bannon

Global Product Manager of Wijmo
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